Component Check v0.30
Components for IP

Enter a component's ProgID or ClassID to check if it's installed on this server ( Leave the input field empty to check all listed components.

If you want to check your own server, you'll have to download the script and run it from your site.

Please wait...
Fetching list...
Error while fetching list using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0:006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3
Fetching list...
Error: This script only works with the "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" Component or "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" Component installed on the server. This should be done by default at IIS installation. So check your IIS or contact your provider.
Additionally, ensure that your server is able to open a connection to my host This connection is used to retrieve the list of components to be checked. If you have a firewall at your server, make sure it allows the connection.
You may also want to contact me, the author: Kevin Kempfer. (Errormessage: /)